3 times screened coaxial cable 75 Ohm
Coaxial cables are used at high frequency data transmission, transmissions and transmitters, computer networks, industrial and entertainment electronics.
> 2000 MOhm x km
-40°C ... +70°C
Nem erőátviteli felhasználásra!
20 x Ø
Core construction (mm) | Outher diameter (mm) | Copper weight (kg/km) | Weight appr. (kg/km) |
1 x 0,72 | 8,4 | 67,0 | 115,0 |
Hullámellenállás | 75 +/- 3 Ohm |
Kapacitás (pF/m) | 53,0 |
Csillapítás 20oC-nál megközelítő értékek (dB/100m) |
100 MHz-nél: 7 200 MHz-nél: 9,8 470 MHz-nél: 14,7 860 MHz-nél: 20,9 1000 MHz-nél: 23,5 1350 MHz-nél: 27,6 1750 MHz-nél: 32,0 2150 MHz-nél: 35,7 2400 MHz-nél: 38,2 |
We provide you delivery to anywhere in the world. In case of a special agreement we provide you delivery free of charge.
If you need any technical help, don't hesitate to contact us. We help you to choose the right cable for your needs.
Planning, executing and maintenance of telecommunication, cableTV, and optical systems.