You can find in our warehouse many special cables, optical cables without any waiting time. Our logistic and our qualified staff is ready to ensure you to receive deliveries of your goods in the desired quantity and quality on time, no matter wich packing technology or method (drum, ring, coil etc.) you choose.
The catalogue is under construction. We reserve the right to make modifications to this catalogue, especially to technical datas and informations. All illustration and numerical data etc. are therefore without warranty and are subject to change. Please contact our specialists in order to receive the actual datas.
- At this time the Data sheets are available only in hungarian language -
We provide you delivery to anywhere in the world. In case of a special agreement we provide you delivery free of charge.
If you need any technical help, don't hesitate to contact us. We help you to choose the right cable for your needs.
Planning, executing and maintenance of telecommunication, cableTV, and optical systems.