Address: 2120 Dunakeszi, Bagoly u. 12.
E-mail: Click here to send an e-mail!
Phone: +36 27 540-910; +36 27 540-921
Bank account (HUF): CIB Bank HU53 1070 0653 4989 2402 5110 0005 (IBAN)
Bank account (EUR): CIB Bank HU11 1070 0653 4989 2402 5000 0005 (IBAN)
Company registration number: 13-10-041087
VAT Nr.: HU11736903-2-13
Krisztina Szabóné
Operational director
Phone: +36 27 540-910
E-mail: szabone.krisztina
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Zsolt Késhegyi
Sales director
Phone: +36 27 540-910
Mob.: +36 30 933-9564
E-mail: keshegyi.zsolt
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Gábor Kispéter
Business unit manager (optical fiber and cables)
Phone: +36 27 540-910
Mob.: +36 30 667-9777
E-mail: kispeter.gabor
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Gábor Kiss
Sales and purchase (optical fiber and cables)
Phone: +36 27 540-910
Mob.: +36 30 399-4984
E-mail: kiss.gabor
Spoken languages: |
Tamás Mag
Business unit manager (special cables)
Phone: +36 27 540-921
Mob.: +36 30 630-7870
E-mail: mag.tamas
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Balázs Péntek
Sales (special cables)
Phone: +36 27 540-921
Mob.: +36 30 630-7805
E-mail: pentek.balazs
Spoken languages: |
István Schütt
Sales (optical fiber, structured cables and specal cabels)
Phone: +36 27 540-910
Mob.: +36 30 692-4946
E-mail: schutt.istvan
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Tímea Kovács
Logistic, foreign trade
Phone: +36 27 540-910
Mob.: +36 30 555-0575
E-mail: kovacs.timea
Spoken languages: |
Tamás Albert
Phone: +36 27 540-921
Mob.: +36 30 630-7861
E-mail: albert.tamas
Spoken languages: |
We provide you delivery to anywhere in the world. In case of a special agreement we provide you delivery free of charge.
If you need any technical help, don't hesitate to contact us. We help you to choose the right cable for your needs.
Planning, executing and maintenance of telecommunication, cableTV, and optical systems.