Partner Cable Zrt. - The professional background of special needs




Our company offers a wide range of cables and wires to all of our partners representing various fields of the industry.


Apart from product supply the aim of Partner Cable is to support the activity of our partners with the help of our specialists who possess the required knowledge no matter it is planning, executing or commercial negotiation.

For the sake of this cause our collages specialized for different fields of the industrial area. The role of our specialists is to continuously supervise the given industrial area, execute market research, introduce the special products, services and solutions to our partners, develop alternative solutions and follow the changes of standardization.

Partner Cable Kft. (Ltd.) was founded in 1997 for wholesaling of products of communication network components. Because of the continuous growing Partner Cable Kft. reached an outsdanding share in the hungarian cableTV market.

Partner Cable Zrt. (Co. Ltd.) was founded on 18. january of 2010. The new company form can serve our stable and dynamic growing, the expectations of our international customers, and our strategy for the future.

In august of 2010 our company improved the product sortiment with the special cables and accessories. Our team improved with 8 colleagues, so Partner Cable can provide for the customers all types of cables and wires no matter it is fiber, copper or aluminium technology.

We wish a successful collaboration and our specialists will be pleased to hear from you soon.



We provide you delivery to anywhere in the world. In case of a special agreement we provide you delivery free of charge.


If you need any technical help, don't hesitate to contact us. We help you to choose the right cable for your needs.


Planning, executing and maintenance of telecommunication, cableTV, and optical systems.


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