Partner Group




The Partner Group contains more than 10 company, with the same owning structure. The founder of Partner Group, Partner Kft. was established in 1988 and today manage the financial counsel of near of 1000 companies.


The main goal of the corporation is: To give complex accounting services on high professional level, to give tax counsel.

To reach the goals above mentioned, Partner Group apply such working processes, wich can assure for our customers the best quality of our services and can fit to the actual law regulations. In our opinions, the direct personal and work relationship is the basic condition of the decent professional cooperation. 14 succesfully years verify the effectiveness of our working processes.

We attend to the material and technical conditions of our high level services:


Partner Group has an outstanding and stable financial background, and posess own, brand new and modern properties with the total value of 2 million € (offices, warehouses) near from Budapest in Dunakeszi.


At Partner Group works near of 150 people.


We provide you delivery to anywhere in the world. In case of a special agreement we provide you delivery free of charge.


If you need any technical help, don't hesitate to contact us. We help you to choose the right cable for your needs.


Planning, executing and maintenance of telecommunication, cableTV, and optical systems.


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